Blacks in the education system: past, present, and future.

Black Education in America; Giving the Minority A Chance.

This YouTube clip shows the rising education system for African-American’s in America.  Showing the chance the minority is given in order to succeed.

Rachel M.

2 responses

  1. I would like to know when this video was created. Also, I would like to hear more about your personal views on the education system for African American’s in America.

    Brooke S.

    November 29, 2010 at 7:58 pm

  2. Hafiz NR

    Another reason why I strongly support minority assistance programs. Take for example, if both whites and blacks had the same starting line. Then no, neither race deserves assistance in going to school.

    But that’s just the thing, the starting lines are different. Schools in the inner-city are consistently less funded than those in the suburbs. And that right there is one of the factors widening the disparity in the starting lines.

    November 29, 2010 at 11:14 pm

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