Blacks in the education system: past, present, and future.

Hey World!!

Hello World, we are starting this blog for our African American Communication class. Our topic is Blacks in education past, present, and future. If have any suggestions or questions about our topic let us know!

One response

  1. Joan B

    I would like to see the statistics to include low income/poverty as they relate to unequal discipline in schools.
    I would like to see a measure of parent involvement as that relates to discipline in schools.
    I think when families are struggling with meeting the basics, such as food, shelter , clothing, transportation, etc, there is less time to spend on children, so less discipline in the home, less rewards for doing well and staying out of trouble, less incentive for achieving.
    Because of being historically left behind, more blacks and hispanics fall into the lower economic category where two parents must work harder and longer to provide the basics.
    We need to break this cycle for all children.

    October 19, 2010 at 2:43 pm

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